Thursday, December 8, 2011

In the rice fields.

Because of the climate in Takengon and the good supply of water for irrigation, rice can be planted all year round. You can see people harvesting rice in one field and a few fields away they are planting it.

Harvesting in Takengon

Family working together

This field is next to the lake, where they are planting new rice.


In Banda Aceh they are only planting at this time of year.

This old lady was working in the fields in Takengon and working just as hard as younger members of her family.

Thanks to everyone who donated money for the portraits I already have 5 families lined up to photograph.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Takengon Photography Tours.

Take a walk around Takengon market and then a becak (motorbike and sidecar) ride around the lake. The tour starts early morning with a walk through the market and then along the river. Then jump on a becak for a drive around the lake. The tour is not rushed and there's plenty time to stop and photograph

the people, the villages, fish farms, mosques and the scenery as we drive round. I will give tips and advice about how to get good shots as we go.


 In the market

 Wash day by the river.

 Women collecting snails from the lake.

   Fish farms on the lake.

The money made from these tours is used to print photos to give back to the community.

For more details contact:

For other tours in Aceh check out:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kids of Takengon

 Like all Asian towns, there are children everywhere. They love to talk to foreigners (bulek) and jump in front of the camera and pose for photos.

All dressed up for a day out.

These kids live in floating houses on the lake.

After the Mosque on Friday afternoon.

The parents of these kids were really happy when I gave them a small print of the pictures. I have decided to take this further by taking family portraits as well as pictures of the kids. For only $20 I can get a 300mm x 400mm framed photo that I will give to families who would never be able to have this.

If you would like to help with this project by donating something and making one or more families happy I will send you a digital copy of the photo and a photo of the family receiving their framed picture. If you would like to make this donation a Christmas present for someone, let me know and I will send you an ecard that you can give to them.

Help me make people smile.

All the best, Don.

For donation details contact: